Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny Fruit

This fruit is called sour sop. It is sour and sweet. Sour sop's texture is basically like eating soggy cotton balls. Yeah I know it sounds disgusting but it is really good. It is a very seedy fruit and they are very hard to get out and the seeds are big to. Sour sop fruit has a green and spiky outer covering and white flesh inside. The fruit is ripe when the dark green starts to turn light green and when it feels squishy. All of the trees that I have seen in Rumginae are small trees. I have not seen the sour sop flower so I do not know if it has one. Ants love this fruit and the trees are always full of ants. The two types of ants are a black ant that bites and a green ant that also bites and man do the green ant bites hurt. This is definitely one funny fruit.

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