Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bamboo Blow Guns, the Bush Boys Best Toy

The bamboo that I have there we got by walking half hour in to the bush. The bullets we use is from the black palm which the people use here for the sidings of there kuk haus (cook house). The bullets are really hard and hurt when they get shot at you. There is two types one looks more like a bullet and the other one is like a sphere. Boys around here have such good aim that they can kill geckos. I have tried to shoot them to but it is really hard especially when your bamboo is not straight. The size of the hole can vary. Smaller holes are better for the bullet shaped fruit bigger holes are better for the sphere shaped ones. Usually we have skirmishes with them. When we have a skirmish it's every boy for himself. Once we start we get to shoot any boy we like but you better expect a sharp pain in return. Yikes do they hurt! The other day we found a bees nest in the cracks of somebodies house so all the boys decided to shoot the bees. We killed a lot of them but the swarming bees made it harder. Two boys got stung but not me. Well that's all.
 TTFN Kaleb

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kaleb, I don't have an email address for you, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us here! I hope its an awesome one for you!
