Thursday, November 4, 2010

Our Cheeky Bird!!

On friday last week we got a black capped lory and he has been nothing but trouble. He is not potty trained and makes a ton of messes, he is loud and obnoxious but cute. Yesterday we were giving him a bath by misting him with a spray bottle and then he flew away. So we rushed outside to find him. Some of our friend were outside and they helped us. Then one of the friends looked down from where he was standing on a small 5 ft cliff and saw it. He told one of the kids to go and get it. The kid did but it bite him and he threw the bird and it flew to a near by tree so we went over to the tree and whistled and called and whistled again. Before this happened I was trying to teach Yogi how to say pretty bird and he didn't learn it but when he didn't answer when we called and whistled I called pretty bird and Yogi answered back with a squawk. So we called that a lot but then Yogi did not answer. Eventually I came in because I was to hot but Carter stayed out and whistled and eventually Yogi started answering back with small little chattering so Carter kept on whistling and Yogi would answer back and then Yogi flew down. Carter then went to where Yogi landed and said Yogi come and he crawled threw the grass and up Carter's arm and then Carter started yelling "Kaleb we got him we got him". and I raced to the door and sure enough there Yogi was. I was so happy. Now we have decided to keep Yogi indoors only until we get his cage finished.
Kaleb Marsh


  1. Hey Kaleb, I wish I had a bird like that. I live all the way on the other side of the room. Carter Marsh

  2. What a beautiful bird! Hope he's tamed down some!
